Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Age of Sigmar League: Bonus Scenario

Scattered across the many Realms:
Some of the greatest tales of the Age of Sigmar are not about battles between balanced forces. They are the stories of heroic last stands, impossible defenses, and daring raids. This is one such tale.
Battles rage on across the Nine Realms, centered on the newly opened Realmgates. Mighty champions and lowly footmen alike strive to secure their holdings and gain the upper hand. At the most strategic places, devastating creatures are unleashed in the hope of decimating the enemy beyond recovery.
*This scenario may be used in place of any other league game, at any point during the league.

Bonus Scenario “Rampage!”
This battle is fought between a single terrifying monster, and an army of more numerous foes. The monster has been dispatched to wreak havoc on the enemy ranks, who are charged with crippling or destroying the creature before it can reach their main lines. While they hope their numbers and courage will prevail, they have hedged their bets with the last ditch effort of booby trapping the killing ground.

One player chooses a single unit with the key word Monster as their army. Their opponent then chooses any units they wish to oppose it. These may not include any named Heroes and no Monsters, nor any single model with more than 6 wounds on its profile. There is no limit to the number of units this army may include, however. This is intended to represent the narrative of a scout or rear-guard force, away from the main battle, attempting to stop the monster from taking the field. All of the “big guns” are out on the battlefield that they are trying to keep the creature from reaching!

The Battlefield:
This battle is designed to be played on a 4x4 table. One piece of scenery must be placed in the center of each 2x2 quadrant

Battle Setup:
The Monster player sets up first, putting their single creature in the center of the table. The opponent then sets up one unit in each of the four quadrants of the battlefield. All models in a unit must be placed fully within one of the quadrants, and cannot be placed within 8” of the Monster for any reason. Any additional units are placed in reserve. Roll off for first turn. In the event of a tie, the Monster player goes first.

The Monster has been dispatched to wreak havoc and sow fear. Its objective is to slay as many enemy combatants as possible. The army of foes is charged with killing the beast. Failing this, they have rigged a last ditch trap: an improvised realm portal that will banish the creature to another place, far from the battle.

Victory Conditions:
Keep track of the total number of models slain or that flee during the course of the battle.
  • If the monster kills (or forces to flee) a total of 30 models, the game immediately ends in a Major Victory.
  •  If at the start of any turn there are no enemies on the field besides the Monster, it has effectively eliminated the enemy, and the game immediately ends in a Major Victory.
  • If the Monster is slain, the game immediately ends in a Major Victory for the army of foes. If the Monster is banished via the booby trap, the army of foes claims a Minor Victory.
 There is no limit on the number of turns played. Duke it out until one side is victorious, by any means necessary.

Scenario Special Rules:

An Army of Foes
At the beginning of their movement phase, the player in command of the army of foes may bring on units from their reserves (in every turn after the first). One unit must arrive if any are available, and only a maximum of four can be set up in a single turn.
Only one reserve unit can be set up in each quadrant per turn. They must arrive with all models within 6” of the edge of the battlefield; with no models outside of their designated quadrant; and more than 8” away from the Monster.
This counts as their movement for the movement phase.

Last Ditch Effort
The army of foes has been charged with destroying the Monster. In the event that they can't, however, they have a last ditch plan. A single piece of scenery is rigged with a makeshift portal that will suck the Monster into another dimension, far from the battlefield!

After setup, before the game begins, the non-Monster player secretly chooses one piece of scenery to contain the booby trap. Note this choice on a piece of paper, without revealing it to the Monster player. The choice will be revealed if the trap is triggered.

The portal can be called forth once per game, if the Monster is within 6” of the selected piece of terrain in the Hero Phase. Roll a dice, and measure the range from the monster to the scenery. If the roll is equal to or greater than the distance the monster is from the scenery in inches, the Monster is pulled through the portal and the battle ends. Otherwise, the battle continues, and the gateway cannot be opened again!

The better part of valor..
It is terrifying to face a huge, rampaging monster! The challenge only gets worse as casualties mount, and the foe's true strength becomes ever more obvious. The Bravery of all units in the army of foes is reduced by 1 on Turn 2, 2 on Turn 3, 3 on Turn 4, and so forth. A unit's Bravery can be reduced to zero, but never become negative

Remember that any models that flee are counted toward the Monster's kill total.

Boundless Fury:
The Monster is driven into a battle frenzy, fueled by adrenaline or demonic fury. It may pile in and attack twice in every Combat Phase, instead of only once.

The Monster heals one wound each time an enemy unit is set up on the battlefield from reserves. In addition, the Monster will heal a single wound during every Hero Phase that it begins within 3” of an enemy unit. These wounds MAY take the Monster's wounds over its starting total, representing the berserker fury of adrenaline and hatred that it has unleashed.

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