Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Age of Sigmar League Scenario 2: Ghyran

Ghyran, Realm of Life
Realm Rules:

If the roll for a unit's battleshock test is a 1, then that unit is blessed with magical vitality and no models from the unit flee, regardless of any modifiers. In addition, the life-sustaining magics have a curative effect and all wounds that have been suffered by models in that unit this turn are healed. This may cause single-wound models to rise back up from the dead to fight on! Note that units that are not required to take battleshock tests cannot benefit from Lifebloom either, as the healing energies naturally gravitate only to where they are needed.

Shield of Thorns
Wizards in the Realm of Life know the Shield of Thorns spell in addition to any other spells that they know. Shield of Thorns has a casting value of 6. If successfully cast, select a friendly unit within 18" of the caster. Until your next hero phase, any enemy unit that is within 3" of that unit at the end of the combat phase suffers D3 Mortal Wounds!

A Contest of Champions
The Age of Battle will be decided not by rank-and-file troops, but by the key players on each side of the conflict. Heroes dream of glorious single combats, and ordinary troopers aspire to make their names by bringing down a hero or monster. Any unit that targets a model with 5 or more wounds on its warscroll profile may reroll all hits against that model in close combat. Remember that no dice may be rerolled more than once for any reason.

The Laurels of Victory
If you have played this scenario previously, and scored a Major Victory, roll on the following table instead of the usual “Triumphs” table at the beginning of your next game:
1-2 Jade Scroll (or Jade Amulet): Pick a Hero in your army. This model can now attempt to cast Shield of Thorns even if it is not a Wizard. If this hero could already have cast Shield of Thorns (i.e. Wizard), then it will gain a talisman that allows it to ignore all Rend modifiers when when it makes saving throws instead.
3-4 Essence of Ghyran: Pick an unnamed Hero in your army. Once during battle, during your hero phase, this model may heal all wounds it has suffered. If you have no unnamed Heroes in your army, reroll this result.
5-6 Verdant Blessing: Pick one Totem or standard bearer in your army. Units with at least one model within 3” of this standard may add 1 to their saving throw rolls.

Scenario 2 “Pre-emptive Strike”
Players must decide who will be the trespasser and who will be the sentinel. If one player has at least a third more total models than their opponent, then they MUST be the sentinel. Otherwise, roll a dice, and high roll chooses the roles

Trespassers Objective:
You have discovered a Realmgate that leads into the heart of enemy territory, and the time has come to make your move. You have established a beachhead on the other side, but the enemy has discovered you before the bulk of your forces could follow. You must hold the Realmgate at all costs!

Trespasser's Command Ability:
"Come Forth and Conquer!":
If your general is within 6" of the Realmgate in your hero phase and uses this ability, you can attempt to summon reinforcements. Roll a dice. If the result is a 4+, you may summon a new unit, or a unit that was slain earlier in the battle. If your general is a wizard or priest, you may add +2 to this roll.
The trespasser must set up the arriving unit so that all of its models are within 6" of the realm gate AND at least 3" from all enemy models. If both of these conditions cannot be met, then the summoning fails.

Sentinel's Objective:
Your patrol has discovered an enemy incursion through a hidden Realmgate. You are outnumbered, but reinforcements are on the way. You must destroy the Realmgate before the enemy can bring more troops through, even if it means your death. If the enemy is not stopped here, it could spell disaster.

Sentinel's Command Ability:
"Barge Through":
If your general uses this ability, pick your general or any keyword HERO or MONSTER from your army within 12" of your general. The model you choose can ignore enemy models in the movement phase, moving through them or within 3" of them freely. Roll a dice at the end of the movement phase. If the result is a 1, the model you chose takes 1 Mortal Wound!

Battlefield Setup:
Each table must have a Baleful Realmgate at the center. Roll for additional terrain and their effects per the normal setup rules.
The Trespasser sets up first, arranging all of his units within 12" of the Realmgate.
The Sentinel then picks a point on the any edge of the battlefield and sets up 1 to 3 units from his army. All models deployed in these units must be within 9" of the point picked, AND they must also be more than 12" from any enemy units. These are the advance scouts, who have sworn to do as much damage as possible before reinforcements arrive, even if it means their doom. The rest of the Sentinel's units are are not set up at the start of the battle, but will arrive later.
The Sentinel then decides who will go first.

Special Scenario Rules:

Wrath Awakened
At the start of each of the Sentinel's Movement phases, roll a dice for each of the units in their army that they have not yet set up, OR that have been slain. On a 3+, they may choose a point on any edge of the battlefield, then set up all models in the unit within 9" of the point they picked and a minimum of 9" from all enemy units. This setup counts as this unit's move for this Movement phase. Note that this means that they shoot, charge, and fight as normal!

Attack the Realmgate!
Models from the Sentinel's army can charge the Realmgate and attack it in the combat phase as though it were an enemy model. The Realmgate is considered to have a Save characteristic of 3+. If it suffers 8 wounds, it is destroyed, and the Sentinel claims victory.

Impending Doom
Roll a dice at the end of turn 4. If the result is 1 or 2, the battle ends. Otherwise, roll again at the end of turn 5. If the result is is a 1, 2, or 3, the battle ends. The battle will always end at the end of turn 6, with no dice roll necessary.

Victory Conditions:
If the Realmgate is destroyed, the Sentinel immediately claims a Major Victory.
If the Realmgate is still standing when the game ends, the Sentinel rolls 2D6. If the result is lower than the number of wounds the Realmgate has suffered, the Sentinel claims a Minor Victory.
In any other case, the Trespasser wins a Major Victory.

**Editor's Note/Public Service Annoucement**
"Pre-Emptive Strike" play-tested very well with armies of foot sloggers, wizards, and a general lack of overpowered units.
If you are one of our growing segment of more competitive players, or you want to bring some of your big nasties to the field (necrosphinx, dragons, elite cavalry, fliers, etcetera), I suggest that you implement the following rule:
"No single war scroll may inflict more than 1 wound on the Realmgate per combat phase, regardless of how many hits it scores. It takes time to smash down an ancient relic, no matter how strong you are!"
Some players have also suggested that perhaps the Realmgate's 3+ save should not be affected by rend modifiers. That certainly makes sense from a narrative standpoint--it is a magical stone doorway, after all. Feel free to add this if the players agree. Just remember that it will make the gate pretty tough to destroy with small units of regular troops. 3+ is a 40k Space Marine's save!
If you are playing mainly with infantry units and unnamed heroes, the scenario seems to play out fine as I have published it.

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