Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Age of Sigmar League Scenario 1: Azyr

Azyr, Realm of Heaven

It is the Age of Battle, and a new tide is rising. Across the 9 realms, forces both mortal and otherwise are mustering their strength, their eyes fixed on unclaimed territories. Every race of The World That Was is determined to forge a place in the new order. Their armies are on the march.
Mighty Sigmar sits atop his shining throne in Azyr, the realm of heaven. His strength is nearly ready to make a decisive push again the forces of darkness...but not yet. While his gates are open, he needs more time to marshal the full strength of his military forces. As his enemies begin to march from every quarter, Sigmar has recalled every possible ally to Azyr, in an effort to buy just a little more time.

Scenario 1 “Sacred Ground!

This scenario requires at least one piece of terrain. If the terrain features roll results in 0 pieces, place at least this one. It is placed directly in the center of the table. Place any additional terrain pieces as normal.
Forces are deployed as normal, along opposite table edges. Forces may deploy up to 12” from their edge, but may not be set up closer than 12” to the central piece of terrain or any enemy unit for any reason.
At the beginning of the game, determine which of the forces will represent Order and which will represent Chaos. If there is not a narrative reason to determine this, players may simply choose. If they can't agree, simply roll a dice. The higher roll represents Order.

In order to buy the forces of Order time, certain vital locations MUST be held. The game will go on until one force is eradicated or both sides have played 6 turns. When either of those conditions are met, whichever force has more models within 3” of the central terrain piece is the victor.

Major Victory: 
Enemy force is destroyed completely, and at least one model from your side is within 3” of terrain objective.
Minor Victory:
 At the end of 6 turns, you have more models than the enemy within 3” of terrain objective
-OR- Enemy force is destroyed, but you have no models within 3” of terrain objective

In the event of a true tie, both sides score a minor victory.
Please be sure to record whether you represented Order or Chaos on your score card, as it will affect the next period's scenario.

Realm of Azyr Special Rules:
Stand Fast: Sigmar's troops refuse to retreat in the face of the enemy as they defend the heavens themselves, rallying around their mighty generals. Heaven must not fall!

*This ability may only be used by the forces of Order!*
During any battles fought in the realm of Azyr, the forces of Order general's ability Inspiring Presence now affects ALL units within 12” inches of the general, instead of just one.
Sigmar's Wrath: Sigmar himself rules the realm of heaven, and he brooks no intrusions. His wrath is made manifest with the sacred lightning bolts forged for him by Grungni.

*This ability may only be used by the forces of Order!*
During your hero phase, nominate any enemy unit to be the victim of Sigmar's Wrath. On a roll of 2+, that unit takes D3 wounds, which may be saved as normal (on a roll of 1, Sigmar's attention is needed elsewhere, and nothing happens). If the nominated unit suffers at least one unsaved wound, it is forced back by the resounding blasts of electrical fury. The Order player chooses a direction the unit will be forced. The Chaos player immediately moves one model 3" in that direction. The Chaos unit then reforms around that model. The entire unit must be formed so that no model is closer to its original position than the first model moved, i.e. they all have to end up "behind that guy"! Note that this forced move may drive the enemy in ANY direction, including toward the enemy. If this move would bring the chaos unit into contact with an enemy unit, they stop 1” away from the nearest enemy model.

If Sigmar's Wrath is used, your general may still use the Inspiring Presence command ability, but no others this turn.

Creeping Chaos:
Sigmar has made many enemies in his quest for order. While in his realm particularly, their troops run as if the whips of their unholy masters were at their heels, desperate to drive Sigmar from his strongholds.

*This ability may only be used by the forces of Chaos!*
During your hero phase, nominate any single unit. This unit may immediately move D6 inches, but it must be TOWARD any enemy unit (this extra move cannot be used to retreat). As usual, this ability cannot cause a unit to end its move within 1" of an enemy unit. The rest of the turn is unaffected, and this unit may still move, run, shoot, and charge as normal!

Creeping Chaos may be used IN ADDITION to any command abilities your general normally has available, unless otherwise stated.

Unholy Zeal: When they sense victory, the forces of Chaos redouble their efforts, out of sheer spite for weakness. There would be no sweeter victory in all the realms than to see Sigmar's armies broken on their own home ground.

*This ability may only be used by the forces of Chaos!*
During your hero phase, nominate a single unit that is already engaged in close combat, where your troops outnumber the enemy (calculated by total wounds remaining on each side). The combat for this unit is fought immediately, during the hero phase. Resolve combat as normal, including battle shock.

The rest of the turn proceeds as normal. Note that this means that if the Chaos unit wiped out its enemy, it may move, shoot, charge, and fight as normal! Even if it does not, Unholy Zeal will allow you to fight this combat twice in a single turn!
If Unholy Zeal is used, your general MAY NOT use any other command abilities this turn, as he is busy invoking the aid of the Ruinous Powers.

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