Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Age of Sigmar League Scenario 3: Shyish

Shyish, Realm of Death
As battle rages across the Nine Realms, lines are being drawn. Ancient enemies become unlikely allies, and old allies bitterly betray one another. But war never really changes, and soldiers follow their heroic leaders. As their gods and kings command, so do the armies march across the planes of existence.
Nagash, great lord of the Undead, has yet to break neutrality in the Age of Battle. Since the sundering of the alliance of the gods, he has brooded on his cold throne in Shyish, the under-realm of Death, scheming and considering. He has made the mistake of making too many enemies in the past, and nearly paid the ultimate price.
This time, Nagash is determined to be on the winning side--at least until his plans ripen to maturity. When they do, he will crush all before him and stand alone, as sole master of the Nine Realms. But until then.....
Scenario 3 “Aggressive Negotiations”
In an attempt to gain favor with Nagash, many of the opposing factions have dispatched emissaries to his Deathly Court in Shyish. The greatest heroes are occupied with the wars of the Age of Battle, leaving only their lesser counterparts to deal with matters of diplomacy.
In a perfect world, all would present their cases and be judged equally. The world being what it is, it is far more likely that only the strongest will ever be heard at all.
In this battle, two opposing heroes have been sent to the realm of Shyish to treat with Nagash. Rather than proceeding together to the Deathly Court, the rivals will settle their differences at the end of a blade. After all, to present a better argument than your foe is impressive, but why not seize the opportunity to silence him altogether?

This battle represents the attempt of two rival heroes to assassinate one another, with nothing but an honor guard to aid them. Choose 1 non-named Hero to represent your General. This hero may not have more than 6 wounds on its starting profile. Choose up to four war scrolls to represent the hero's honor guard. Again, these may not include any named Heroes, no Monsters, nor any single model with more than 6 wounds on its profile.

The Battlefield:
This battle is designed to be played on a 4x4 table. Generate scenery per the normal AoS battle setup rules. When rolling for terrain effects, replace any result of "Damned" or "Mystical" with "Deadly" instead. The land of Shyish itself is hungry for souls!

Battle Setup:
Roll a dice. The player who rolls higher chooses a table edge and deploys one unit from his honor guard. Units may be deployed up to 9" from the player's table edge, and may never be deployed within 3" of the enemy for any reason.

The players then take turns placing units, until all units have been deployed. Once both armies have been fully deployed, the player who placed the last unit (i.e. the person who had more units to put down, or who went last) will place their general up to 9" from their own table edge, in the same manner as deploying other units. Then the opposing player places their general. This deployment represents both generals trying to outmaneuver each other with their limited forces.

Both sides are seeking to slay the enemy general at all costs. The game goes for 6 turns, or until the enemy general is slain.

Sudden Death!
Should one of the generals be killed in the “top” of a turn, the opposing player gets a chance to retaliate. Play out the “bottom”, to complete the turn. You will obviously be at a disadvantage without your general, but if you can kill the enemy general, you can at least claim revenge, and a Minor Victory for your forces. If the turn ends with the enemy general still standing, you lose

Victory Conditions:
  • If the enemy general is slain, and your general lives, claim a Major Victory.
  • If the both generals are slain, each player claims a Minor Victory.
  • If neither general is slain by turn 6, then the player who has inflicted more wounds on the enemy general claims a Minor Victory. Note: Wounds that have been healed do not count toward this victory condition.
  • If an even number of wounds have been inflicted on both generals, then both players claim a Minor Victory (and hopefully had a great time playing such a close game).
Scenario Special Rules:

Soul Drain
In the Realm of Shyish, the very energies of Life and Death can be harnessed by those with sufficient will.
If your general is within 3” of a friendly unit during his hero phase, he may choose to drain that unit of their vital essence in order to heal himself. Your general may inflict any number of mortal wounds on that unit, and immediately heal that number of wounds to himself. Soul Drain may not bring the general's wounds beyond his starting total wounds.

Honor Guard
All units in this battle are elite, dedicated bodyguards. They are less likely to abandon their duty than other troops, even against impossible odds.
For all failed battle shock tests, halve the number of models who run, and round down. For example, a test failed by 5 will result in only 2 models fleeing (5 divided by 2 = 2.5, rounded down to 2). Note that if you only fail your test by 1, this means that no models flee after all!

On Deadly Ground
When rolling for terrain effects during setup, replace any result of "Damned" or "Mystical" with "Deadly" instead. The land of Shyish itself is hungry for souls!

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